
The Challenge

As an independent luxury homebuilder in an extremely competitive market, John Neal benefited from the glow of the much larger Neal Communities created by his father, Pat Neal, but suffered in its eclipsing limelight as well — a double-edged sword indeed. Another Neal company, Neal Signature Homes, added to the identity confusion among several audiences including the general public, the Realtor community and even the staff among the many Neal-affiliated companies. John needed his own identity to compete in the marketplace.

The Solution

After an analysis of existing marketing materials and a detailed site visit at four communities where John Neal Homes are built, the brand architects at Spiro concluded that the confusion could be resolved with a powerful education campaign directed at all audiences. The Spiro team of Brand Architects created a campaign designed to answer two questions:

  1. Who is John Neal Homes, and what differentiates the company and its products from any other company that bears the Neal name in the marketplace?
  2. Who is John Neal Homes, and what differentiates the company and its products from other luxury builders in the marketplace?

The answers were defined and illustrated across all John Neal Homes marketing materials, starting with a refreshed logo design and positioning statement integrated in the creation of a new brochure, a print ad campaign and the new John Neal Homes website. Improved signage, both onsite and directional, were developed to flag the John Neal Homes name wherever he builds. Applying Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques provided web-surfers the latest and most accurate information available about John Neal Homes. Equally important as the new campaign was educating Realtors and the respective staff members of the various Neal companies through a series of seminars and brochures to ensure that all are on message about the distinction and the product offerings at each company.

The Result

Spiro & Associates successfully re-positioned John Neal Homes as a luxury homebuilder in his own class providing an even playing field and an independent public persona in the competitive luxury homebuilder market.